Become more hopeful, creative and inspired in any situation simply by becoming grateful. Find something to be grateful for NOW, in this current situation, and you immediately raise yourself out of it for a new perspective on things. When we build a life of giving thanks, we discover more and more to be thankful for. And this makes for a more hopeful life journey. One in which we believe we CAN create what we dream of. And that journey of creation begins with gratitude – now.
Practice: Spend 3 minutes a day – every day – bringing to mind and heart things for which you are grateful. Anything – your health; that you can see; friends; food you have to eat; desires for change. Just get in the state of gratitude. Think it in your mind. Feel it in your body.
Practice: Journal your gratitudes for 3 minutes a day. Think them and feel them.
Photo: Paraglider, Lima, Peru. (c) 2008 Bob Pileggi